
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Super Students

Lani brought in her completed top 
from our August Rail Fence class.

I really like the way she combined two different 
alternate layouts to create this "greek key" version.

And she had four extra blocks,
so they will be worked into the quilt's backing.

double click to super size

Jean shared this photo of her completed
Rail Fence quilt top - taken just before
it was taken to the long arm-er for quilting.

Her piano key border was a great choice.

Now to the just-completed Peppermint Pinwheels class.

Geri is using Kona Spring with an assortment
of red and white prints for her Christmas-y version.

Marie is also doing a Christmas version
using a consistent green with a mix of holiday prints.

Martha is using newsprint with lots of colors.

She'll be adding these three to the nine blocks 
she has already sewn together.

Tori went with a striking black/white and brights layout.

(look at the clear cup directly behind her sewing machine -
she puts her spool of thread inside and feeds it up through
the straw hole - and she uses the lidded cup to transport
her thread plus small scissors, seam ripper, etc.)

Alice is using a Paris-themed neutral with multiple brights.

(be sure to see her block collage below)

In the evening class, Connie went for her
favorite super-saturated colors.

SO many interesting prints and textures.

After last week's class,
Linda completely changed her game plan.

Her new Halloween version is fabulous.

Kathy's Ink and Arrow prints are mixed with
a tone-on-tone cream.

In person, this one has a gorgeous stained-glass feel.

Lani went with a mix of patriotic and wintry fabrics,
most with glitter and sparkle.

This collage will enlarge if double-clicked
so you can see Alice's mixed fabric blocks.

They definitely add interest in her quilt top
without being overly-obvious.

And this was an "accident" that could easily
 inspire another layout of this block.

I love moments like this.

* * *

Two terrific classes.

Thank you ladies 
for having so much fun
with Sujata's design.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Student Work

I am half way through the teaching of four classes
from Sujata's book at one of our local quilt shops.

Geri brought in her finished Rail Fence for show and tell.

(many of the students in that class opted for the pinwheel layout)

This second class features the Peppermint Pinwheel design.

This evening student is using a consistent light background
with multiple bright colors for the alternate blocks.

This evening student LOVES wild saturated colors.

Three of her blocks feature this dark feather design -
I can't wait to see what she brings in next week.

One of the daytime students is making a Christmas version -
her fabrics are fabulous (she's working from fat quarters).

And this daytime student added her own twist on the design.

She's using a consistent background
with one block in the darker blue,
one block in the print blue,
and one using both blues.

She's planning to use this approach throughout 
her 25 block quilt top.

I'm looking forward to our next classes
just to see what else these ladies come up with!
