
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Denim Baby Hourglass Quilt Done!

Wow, this baby quilt has been a true beauty to make and hand quilt.

Now, Sujata will chuckle again about "my messes" because Sujata told me that the main technique is that each person will make these in their own way. I thought maybe it was just me!

I was listening and sewing.  This technique is fairly simple except you do have to pay attention to which sides you are sewing together. That is demonstrated below.

But then I worked through the directions, emailed Sujata and asked her about this wonky way my first blocks came out. I carried on thinking of the little boy this quilt is for and he might think if he was older. Not any old quilt would do, but one that spoke to his potential and I'm sure that denim will find his little bottom soon.

I decided to get free and had fun.

I like this quilt. 

And just for fun, this is how it looks in Black and White.

 And here, this photo shows the hand quilting with Perle cotton thread, its bold against the navy blue.

Happ[y quilting everyone and if you'd like more content about this quilt, pop over to Good Earth Quilting.



  1. This is so fun, I love the wonky hourglass blocks. My go to fabric fro little boy's quilts is denim too :)

    1. Hi Serena, Thanks for this lovely comment, I'm so glad you like it! I'm sooo in love with Cultural Fusion Quilts book!
      Pop over to my regular blog for Good Earth Quilting.

  2. Lovely finish. I like the way you shaded the different blues and denims. What a treasure forever.

    1. Thanks Ann, I thought it would compliment using the denim.

  3. What a cute quilt. It looks relatively easy and I love the irregular squares: they really add a depth of interest.

    1. Hi Mary,
      Thank you for this lovely comment. I really like the way that Sujata's book just takes tradition and gives it a good shake up!

  4. Lovely baby quilt - isn't it very freeing using the techniques from Sujata!

    1. Hi Maureen, yes, and yes, I do love this book, I've got some plans for table runner's coming up before Christmas. Want to do a little wee blog link up on a certain day, where we both make table runners using these patterns, if you want to, let me know?

  5. Caroline, it makes me smile! Mix of blues add so much depth to the quilt. On my phone it looks like a mosaic in Turkish architecture. Fun!

  6. I think it is a wonderful baby quilt . . . well done!

  7. Great looking quilt... that darker blue denim in the border really pops! Have not tried denim combined with other fabric (all or nothing :) ) but will give it a try.

  8. Wow! Really wonderful! Please clarify, you mean denim fabric (from jeans) not just denim colors? I have been collecting old jeans... Thanks!

  9. Hello folks, thank you for all the comments. I was using my phone to answer the comments and suddenly this blog won't let me do that, so here it is instead.

    Sujata- Thank you for this great book!
    Kay Scott - this is lightweight real denim fabric, not from repurposing, but could try that?
    June D. Thank you and yes, its not cut up denim jeans, it was lightweight denim fabric.


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