
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Update on Rail Fence #2 Plus a New Project

Rail Fence #2 is nearing completion. It still needs tweaking and I will probably remove the top left block and replace it with another. That leaves just two blocks until completion. Maybe an hour's work. I still haven't decided on a setting for the blocks, but that shouldn't take too long.

I just couldn't wait to start Peppermint Pinwheels until I was completely finished with Rail Fence #2. I have Julie to blame for that! I am following her lead and Sujata's in keeping one fabric constant throughout. That will be the black and white Architextures print. The purple dot fabric will change with each block, although remaining in the blue/purple/violet range. What? No orange? Yes, it will be a challenge for me. Hope I'm up for it.


  1. Mary Ellen, I am amazed how fast you have worked on these blocks! They look stunning! Love the background choice for your Peppermint Pinwheels. May be you can use a wild orange/blue/purple for the back and get your fix!

    1. Oh, good idea. Something with orange for the back. Orange and purple is a favorite combination for me. It might still sneak onto the front somewhere. maybe a tiny bit in the binding. or a piping just before the binding.

  2. By the way, your rail fence looks like festival of colors!

  3. Replies
    1. Maybe that's the name it should be - Festival.

  4. Fabulous background fabric - and I take full responsibility for pushing you over the edge on Peppermint Pinwheels (you enabler, you . . . )

    Love your rail fence colors.

  5. I like the Pinwheel block very much :-)

  6. That Peppermint Pinwheel is a beauty - love purple! I look forward to seeing how you set your blocks for the Rail Fence - neat colours in there.


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