
Friday, November 20, 2015

Design Challenge from Sujata

Did you miss Sujata's Facebook post last week?

For sale at Esther Fitzgerald Rare Textiles, London
Inspired by this early 20th century textile made by the Ewe people of Ghana, Sujata challenges us to reinterpret it as a quilt.

I'm in; are you?



  1. Thanks for bringing this to our attention Ann - I have not taken the plunge with Facebook although have been saying I will do so for a number of months. I would have a go but first have to work out all the ins and outs of Facebook itself!! Any ideas for a novice???

    1. I'm not sure I'd bother if I hadn't already joined. This is literally everything Sujata said on Facebook - how can you reinterpret this design in a quilt.

    2. I couldn't agree more! You are not missing out. I was lazy to post it on the blog. The big question for me, whether to do something similar to my inspiration or use it as a reference and create something completely new? I found a red shirt at the Goodwill store which I am tempted to use. Other than that, I am waiting for this cloth to speak to me.

  2. Ann, Thank you for posting this. I am curious how different our quilts will me.. This should be fun! No rules... Go Wild!

  3. Oh thanks for your replies Ann and Sujata - I think I have an idea for this so count me in please - do we have any deadlines to meet?

  4. This challenge piece reminds me SO much of my Happy Strings quilt (due back from being quilted this coming week). Will share it here once it arrives home.

  5. I'm in for a mini interpretation of this one, can be very merry. Thanks, I missed the FB Challenge.

  6. I'd like to give this a try once I'm more mobile and can get to my various stashes. yesterday, my doctor told me I can try using a sewing machine as long as it doesn't put too much force on my foot (post foot surgery). that's progress!

  7. Just came from your blog Ann... you more than met Sujata's challenge! I loved your piece so much! Sujata, that is a wonderful find! It is fascinating that the maker did some improv in the weaving. It is fun to wonder: Did they vary the red rectangles for artistic expression's sake... or did they start running out of red strips and find a beautiful way to stretch them? LOL

  8. Sujata! This is a wonderful inspiration. As always you push me to look outside my box and rise to another level. I must try to find a way to reinterpret the Ghana textile. I love it!
    Ann (Fret Not Yourself) has done a fantastic interpretation. Cudos to you, Ann


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