
Saturday, January 2, 2016

First finish of 2016

My third quilt from Cultural Fusion. I finished the quilting today and sewed on the binding. It still needs a label, but I'm counting it a finish!


  1. I really like this quilt of yours! The way you have used the same "background" fabric throughout all the blocks and the fact that you haven't sewn either a small circle or square over the meeting point of the four block!

  2. Great finish, Mary Ellen! You have been on my mind lately. Last night I was telling my husband how much I enjoyed your company and being in St. Louis. You make beautiful quilts! xoxo

  3. Very lovely finish, Mary Ellen. Congratulations.

  4. Very pleasant indeed !

  5. I really like your beautiful quilt! I think it's intriguing that you used one background fabric throughout. That's inspiring. And I love your color choices.


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