
Saturday, April 30, 2016

An Experiment in Size

I recently did an experiment trying some of the Rail Fence blocks at half-size and I thought you might like to see it.

This block is 8 inches finished.  Isn't it cute?

I cut my initial blue and white strips at 3 1/2 inches wide, then sliced with the rotary cutter per the directions and sewed them together, as usual.  Then I cut the sewn strips down to 2 1/2 inches wide, and sub-cut the units at 2 1/2 inches also.  I was worried about my math skills, but it worked great!

This allowed me to use some of the smaller fabrics I had.

And here is what I made with the four smaller blocks that I made:

You can read more about my experiment on my blog:


  1. Great idea and the I love the results of your experiment! Must give this a try - thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks! I hope you do give it a try - and then let us know how it worked for you.

  2. Love the small size blocks Sharon! True that they allow smaller scraps to work in your quilts and also would make scrappier quilts! I like the simplicity of blue and white here.

    1. It was really pretty easy to figure out. I tried a "tester" first and that worked. I found that the fabric I wanted to use was only 35 inches wide. It is DaGama indigo fabric from South Africa and I've been saving it for the "right" project. I think I found that project!

  3. Super cute and super good idea!

  4. This block is indeed cute and I love the runner.

  5. Beautiful, Sharon -- thank you for sharing your scaled down blocks!

  6. I love this! I have been thinking about using this pattern for a baby quilt so a smaller block would be perfect. Thanks for the share.

  7. It look absolutely elegant! I love the combination of navy and white.


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