
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Thank You & More

 I appreciated all the comments & compliments on my post a few days ago.
Thank you for sharing your experiences, too.
It is a pleasure being part of  this friendly, encouraging & helpful blog!

I finished the back for that quilt Flimsy Finished & wanted to show what I did with 
the blocks that were rejected for the front.
See that narrow pieced strip running from left to right?
The blocks were either halved or cut into thirds,
then rearranged with other blocks, sewn back together,
and finally trimmed to 5.5" square.

Next I plan to use that idea again & play with those 
original blue blocks Windmills or Winter???!


  1. Just love the back! I love making made fabric and making quilts with it.

  2. These are my favorite kind of backs! It also adds interest depending on which way the back is revealed. These fabrics go so beautifully with your windmills/winter quilt!

  3. Very inspired use of the left over blocks!

  4. Very inspired use of the left over blocks!


Thank you for taking the time to read and respond.